208 Area code

Country : United States
State : Idaho

Recent posts

From: Josh2084158917

Bunch of stoner kids prank calling

From: Jim2085347260

Internet listing

From: cici2084055400

They are really nice

From: heather ockert2084174733

no details

From: Kimba2085730675

keeps calling and hanging up I call back and they don't answer the voice mail is just their number.

From: onyca2086439167

Repeated message saying charges are being filed. Police said to ignore it

From: Paco2086026553


From: Me2083402522

2 calls, same day, no message

From: wendy2085777131

couldn't recognize voice of friend who called me

From: Adam OKeefe2085493217

No response when answered

From: Regan Hicks2085718057

texted me, but refused to say who it was

From: jay2086274806

wants to sell bike

From: zac2085739416

Got a call

From: Roda2085021430

I have posted a sale online and this person said, she interested of my item and want to buy it, she wants me to withdraw my advert and considered sold, also asking me to send her the Name to be on the payment check... address to mail the check to... Final Asking price.... Cell phone# to text me on..... I want to know if this this is a scam.

From: Tara2082841908

interest in rental

From: Lee Ferguson2086276163

Did not disclose name

From: vicky2083165960

I got a call from this number at 4.30 a.m.

From: Katherine2086193112

I applied to a job in Idaho a couple days ago, online. And right from their website. And I just got a call from a 208 number (in which my phone identified it being from Harrison, ID..which isn't exactly where I applied for work, so I don't know if that's a weird sign). Anyways, we couldn't talk much because I have no service where I am..but he had a pretty thick (Indian or Middle Eastern?) accent, and said he was the owner of the company, and notices my phone is a 509 number, and was curious about what area I live in, in WA. Again, we couldn't talk much and he had to call back a couple times, due to the horrible service and dropping calls. He told me to call him back when I do have service, and I said I would. But I looked up the number for the company I applied to in Idaho, and it is different from the number that called me. So I don't know if that's weird, or if the owner (if he's legit) just uses his personal phone. I guess I will find out more when I call back..I just don't want to be stupid and make a mi

From: LaKea L. Harris2082907971

It weird

From: Monica Rogers2085383297

The number keeps calling but doesn't say anything.