208 Area code

Country : United States
State : Idaho

Recent posts

From: Tyler2082203882

Just missed call

From: Melissa Johnsen2082428882

Suspicion about bf

From: Diana 2084954615

Nothing its annoying

From: James Banks2083163219

I received a cal

From: Robin Bonds2086435556

I got a call from this number, today. The caller advised me that someone in my household had contacted them regarding getting social security disability. I advised him that I am not disabled and have no reason to have contacted them. He said someone in my house contacted them. I advised him I lived alone and asked the name of the person. He then began to fumble and said he didn't know and apologized.

From: Gene2083185099

The guy said he was looking for me. When I asked him who he was he simply hanged up.

From: jessica 2085573051

this number is on multiple pet sites and is scamming people for their money it is an idaho number and she has already gotten lots of money from people!!!

From: dina2083086437

Said was a student

From: jimmy 2082414838

who is this number

From: phil conklin2083161483

He called and didn't leave a voice mail or anything

From: Jason2086104711

It was a random call

From: rose2085699979

asked my name

From: Harold2085713115

It's threatening text messages

From: Bill2084042849


From: Dorian2082980187

This number keeps calling me even though I have put it on the (DO NOT CALL LIST)....

From: krisha carroll2087095713

They didn't leave a message

From: Just Someone2083554840

The VMX at this number is hilarious. Sounds like a hillbilly with a profane vocabulary!

From: bob2083919680

I haave a voice mail

From: SPP2084217460

Someone keeps texting me asking for a Lori. I've told this person twice that they're wrong.

From: bill2086395442
