208 Area code

Country : United States
State : Idaho

Recent posts

From: Jason2082702663

Wondering which cell phone carrier has this number

From: Jaden powell2085696754

Won't tell me who they are and I recieved a disrespectful comment

From: mimi2089208711

stalking text messages

From: jeff2085072527

it was a random number that called my phone

From: greysy Gutierrez 2085023031

has been calling all day

From: josh mott2084577614

called and asked if i had kids then texted a shit ton and kept calling me even tho i asked them to stop.

From: Pat2086294467

Calling from Ada County Sheriff Dept. I didn't let him go far enough to try to sell me something.

From: Bridget2082190433

They won't say who they are

From: unlucky recipient2083200956

unsolicited text message "Congratulations, you are one lucky customer getting a credit applicable to your next month bill, for more details visit http://....."

From: Helen2082697675

rang once, did not leave message

From: Josie2083605598

He was asking how often I touched my kids and if they touch themselves.

From: samantha2083816506

Just called no voise

From: samantha2083186506

Don't know who this is but they call my boyfriend phone

From: klhkhljjlk lkjhj;lj2087438573

said it was form a motel

From: Joe2083056819

Keep calling

From: Adams 2083526211

Asked who I was

From: LAPOINTE2086297404

I had this call yesterday and today but i didn't answer

From: willow2083085733

It was a missed call.

From: v.miller2084106750

just keeps calling every 15 min. silence when i answer then hangs up

From: Mary Barlow2086295369

Called my ex husband who I haven't spoke to in over 5 years saying they have a case number and they needed to contact me. When I called the local number back they answered United Processing. When I googled the number it comes back to a company half way across the U.S. and there were several reports of people saying this is a scam they ask for money over the phone to make the "case" go away.