208 Area code

Country : United States
State : Idaho

Recent posts

From: REBEKH2085461414


From: Lenora Hansen2084891416

Missed the call they didn't leave a message

From: Ryan2086433588

Unknown number

From: sharis2083588302

i recieved crazy text messages from this number

From: sarah2086548764


From: Brett Smitch2083589408

Inappropriate texts

From: Claudia Klingbeil2083714006

She is trying to sell me stuff and speaking very abusive

From: angelina2085305101

I think i use tobknow them but i am unsure

From: Autumn2085906501

i didnt not answer

From: Stephanie Longstreet2085851549

They call and dont leave a message

From: Michael OLoughlin2085687314

texts asking for a craigslist code

From: Rowdy 2082542771

Phone troubles

From: Aureona Thomas2086035188

Bullying people they don't know

From: anna2086080755

who is this

From: jenn2086432354

Sent sms text, "heyyy" don't know if they're being suspicious or friendly. will report back promptly

From: madi2083537040

For work

From: Michael2087093346

Keeps calling for a BBQ as if I now him I have no idea where this guy is getting his info, scammer I think.

From: mauricio2082709871

talking about salessomething

From: Dan Smith2083665777


From: Joy2083581094

The call starts out saying that there is nothing wrong with your credit card and that you qualify for a 6% interest rate. When you push the button to speak to a live person to tell them you do not have a credit card and are not interested in having your personal information stolen, which is what this person is trying to do, he starts yelling at you and calling you a bloody bitch in a fake British accent. When you ask to,talk to his supervisor he sets the phone down and you can hear him arguing with someone for a few minutes he then gets back on the phone and asks when your Mastercard expires when you tell him you do not have one he hangs up on you. The man is clearly unstable and I had to threaten having the police go after him if he did not let me speak to his supervisor. I was never allowed to speak to the supervisor so I am considering calling the police and giving them the number so they can do something about this guy and his team before they do something to scam an elderly person out of his or her