208 Area code

Country : United States
State : Idaho

Recent posts

From: David Buschhorn2088189768

The "Hardest Working Guy in Real Estate" spammed me over the phone twice, despite me being on the DoNotCall list.

Seems like the hardest working guy isn't also the smartest guy.

From: becky2084179147

ARe they safe?

From: Matt2083225421

Answered no reply

From: Fred2084644862

The person using this number is abusively making inconvenince for my family through the social networks. Please report his contacts to the authority

From: Who Lou2085390414

Just got a call saying, I missed a call from you today, whose this?

I replied with, I don't divulge my personal information to a total stranger.

She said that I called her. I looked at my dialed history, and I did not. Suspicious. Could be a phisher.

From: Jo 2083181878

Unknown caller

From: Sandra Thompson2089464503

Directv Representative

From: Tyler2082144084

Fake phone interview and college scam

From: MT2088206088

Caller texts with my name HI and an address.

From: No2083313602

This is Labor Ready

From: Jule Eberle2082862491

Calling about my insurance wanting to know if I wanted extended warranties on the truck. Has been calling using several different numbers, i reasearched, locally non existant town's, and some in the primary towns. Other numbers are 208-917-5422, 208-286-2491, 208 576-4985, 208-437-7274, 208-917-5156, 208-543-7762, 208-494-2321, 208-286-2491. All are mobile phones.They called me within 30,60,90 minutes of each other. The 208-286-2491 number: I stated that I would not give out any information a I didnt know if they were a spam or a company designed to rip people off. The woman got hostile and defensive (I could look them up on the internet, or talk to her supervisior, why would she want to hurt her grand children that she took care of. Said they were calling about warranty issues for my 2009 Dodge Dakota.The Dodge was given to me in 2013, and it is a 2000. It is a farm truck. She kept pressuring me, isn't it a nice truck. Then she made a comment with information about me. I told her I had insurance and was dis

From: d2085021038

this number is associated with a individual scamming people on Craigslist. be warned.

From: Cristina 2085495518

Rang a little then hung up no voicemaIL

From: Jason2088561091

Had my address.

From: Roger Hesler2086859421

this is from a friend and I do not have her last name

From: joe smith2086294191

Telemarketer for ada county sheriff office looking for donations

From: Don't know2082144194

I had to pay today ..

From: Teo2087197499

Text message.

From: deby2084375475

possible puppy scam

From: Sky Consulting2082612949

I had a voicemail from a lady claiming to be a case worker on my case, and that personal charges had been filed against me. She said she was with Sky Consulting. When I called back, a man answered who said Carla was unavailable but he could help me. When I asked him what his company's name was, he wouldn't tell me and kept interrupting me. He said I am being charged with "wire fraud", and that I took a loan out online from Twin Bluffs and that "they know it's me". When I asked him again who his company was, he stated he "was going to play hardball with me and involve my work". I have never taken out a loan from this company online or otherwise. These people are SCAMMERS. The phone number is 208-261-2949.