202 Area code

Country : United States
State : Washington

Recent posts

From: Baroness2026190717

Phone rings and is dead when I answer.After I hang up it rings again but no one is there.

From: Ginny2027714981

They called claiming to be the IRS

From: Larry Soblotne2027794981

Claimed to be IRS

From: just call2026001197


From: dee hardy2024154425

Said they were the irs.

From: Juan2027794535

Wanting personal info

From: tom2025993176


From: D. Brady2022996560

Left a recorded automated message that it was the IRS filing a lawsuit against us.

From: Randall2023610435

Yet another IRS Scam! Called claiming IRS was filing suit. Called at least twice today

From: says they ar e with 2024359366


From: answer the d*mn fone2027938698

received call, did not answer timely and caller left no message.

curious, i called from a neighbor's landline SEVERAL TIMES; it simply "rang off the hook" before time ran out and the call would be disconnected.

From: chris2022315854

who is it?

From: Laurie2027384850

IRS suing me

From: Cary2027586480

missed call followed by text

From: Jane doe2029009315

Don't call says they are IRS filing a lawsuit

From: john2026662773

says they are from US treasury, barely speaks english. Cussing at me after being asked repeatedly to put me on the dnc list

From: Robin2026465197

called me x 2, I did not pick up, no message left.

I blocked this number forever.

From: us dept of health an2024462548

says i received a grant from the government

From: Shenna2023812824

Calling says I have grant money then wants me to transfer 250 to receive 9000.00 in Grant money it is a.scam

From: Ron B2027557820

12027557820 this number is a scam .