360 Area code

Country : United States
State : Washington
(Olympia, Bellingham, Aberdeen)

Recent posts

From: Susan Alkire3604017916

Don't know who this is?

From: Kevin T3602033095

recording said that I have a lawsuit pending against me from the IRS. I have to call to stop this lawsuit.

From: Ronald Kent3604817379

No message left

From: Rick3603561066

Another IRS scam

From: jim lawson3605314873


From: Sarah Moyes3605157853

Automated message claiming to be from the IRS informing us they are filing a lawsuit against us. Seems the number is from Olympia, Washington. They called just before 7am and again around 8:45am the day after Thanksgiving. When I tried to phone back, it rang but was not answered. I believe they are a scam trying to make people think they have unpaid taxes and that they need to make payment or risk legal action. I have never lived in or even visited Washington State. I have never received any notification by mail of any unpaid taxes, which the IRS would send if this was legitimate and I have no reason to believe that I owe any taxes. I have already reported the number to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration for them to investigate further.

From: Cs-Psycho3604642359

It just keeps calling me it says online its a scolerdhip find I have tried everyhing to make it stop and it just happens more

From: Megan Strong3603334710


From: John3609720679

I got a call from this escort offering me services. She said her name was Charlee. I did a Google search and found her ad on Backpage.


From: Robert3605662733

Scam IRS call. Robot voice of a female saying I was to be sued by the IRS and to call them ASAP. Returned call and actually had an Indian (from India) pick up saying IRS may I help you. The IRS does not call you, they only communicate by mail. SCAM

From: Gwa36028676786

Did not answer. Left no message.

From: kcuhc3602867678

no mssg left, to unpublished cell #
others rpt spam CC scam

From: UNKNOWN3604720503

Left a message at our real estate company stating that Him and his fiance were looking at our home on "frost wood" and ran out without locking the door after smelling the smoke. So they wanted one of our agents to go out and lock up the property.

From: Kristian Shale3605892007

Hang ups

From: eric3604207230

Need to know who's number this is

From: Davy3603625919

Caller claims to be from the IRS and is threatening arrest.

From: David3609674385

Left message claiming internal review saying they are going to put a warrant out if I didn't call back. Called b ack. No answered

From: Tucker3602619325

They've called twice last time they left a voicemail and it sounds like the phone got taken and I heard in the background I don't give a fuck so wondering who called

From: Name3609907606

Creepy random texts

From: Taylor Travess3609014862

Calling to tell me im good at baseball