267 Area code

Country : United States
State : Pennsylvania

Recent posts

From: Caitlyn2672718588

Sound suspicious

From: Anon2674747311

This number 2674747311 , is a scammer, linked to the following: POF account Miche0411, also the following telephone numbers, 2152608917, 2152608917, 2678848055 Stay far away, quite insane people there

From: Shane hopson 2672042020

Who is this

From: Unicorn with Glitter2672347438

It's called Central Credit Services. Just another scammer. Phone call starts with "this line may be recorded". And you know that is NEVER A LEGIT CALL.

From: Empire Delivery2675385384

Called regarding service

From: do dinet2672348017

I responded to craiglist ad that sounded too good to be true. I replied to the following ad by email, saying I was interested. This is the suspicious response. A few hours later I received a text saying "thanks for your interest, I await your application"...

From: ver mot <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 5:05 AM
Subject: Re: Camas House for Rent


Thanks for your email and your interest in my Home, We personally own the house and we want our property to be well taken good care of. There are some rules and regulation in which i give to tenant willing to rent my house, So please don't disrespect my order. Due to urgent Transfer to FLORIDA from work i will not be back until after 6years. I am here with the keys and documents of the house. I tried to look for management before i left but i couldn't get any in time, the one i got we had a deal, but later my wife advised against not selling the house, so I reasoned with her and accepted her advise. So I contacted the agent back and let h

From: Jeff Blake2675210051

A foreign accent greeted me with a warning that my computer is infected with a dangerous virus. I shall do nothing to encourage such scam artists.

From: Ladybug2672096393

Asking about a certain persons address for a verification link

From: Matthew Christian Wa2672100825

They called but they didn't leave a message

From: Jh2672278299

Text message. Knew my name

From: Joe2672020736

Recruiter with scam-firm Jobspring partners. They use multiple names like "Remington Associates" and others to pharm personal data.

From: pat 2672027527

been receiving daily calls from this number. when calling back it says wait for connection then no one is available take call, then disconnect

From: shannon2678752181

sent a txt with my adress and a link

From: Brooke2678284325

This number called me about debt collection from a doctor's appointment I had two years ago. I am unsure how they received this information.

From: NOT Kim2677778670

bait and switch.... stolen pics... danger

From: poo2676250247

a text

From: jones2676347169


From: Cristina 2674151970

No pude recoger la llamada. Llamada

From: grace2675662564

weird guy who is in my contacts under a name i don't know and won't tell me who it is

From: D2673825270

Calls leaves two min of voice mail with nothing and texts me asking to call.