267 Area code

Country : United States
State : Pennsylvania

Recent posts

From: denise irish2675250092

calling about a moneygram

From: howard2674449553

dont know number

From: Nina2673173498

very odd cryptic call

From: Unknown2673488411


From: Ambe Kingsley, Melis2675380981

I answered from a lady wanted to rehome her 12 week old English Bulldog. Foolishly, I answered, She just needed $200.00 for the plane ticket. In addition, I paid a portion of an "insurance" policy. I was strung along by the "agency" stating other delays had occurred. I never received the refundable deposit or the dog. The email account attached to the ad was disconntected.

From: Zachary Schreffler2679050407

he his trying to play head games with my friend.

From: U.S. Mortgage line2673986401

House loans, refinance,etc

From: Shyam2674435742

I received 19 missed calls from this number today. When I tried calling back several times, no one picks up the phone.

From: jenny2679874061

someone keeps harassing me

From: Aaron2678434281

One of many numbers calling claiming to have received and reviewed "my health insurance application" since I never did anything like that, highly suspicious. I called them out on it, and they hung up on me.

From: Jake2676295556

Missed call no voicemail

From: L2673508740

Called stating that it was allegations being filed against me. They stated that I could settle outside of court.

From: Tony2677215774

called and hung up

From: t2677213531

called and hung up

From: Logan2679388053

When I answered they just hung up they have called me once before but I was either away from my phone or my phone was off

From: mike2679029916

left a message with no info ??/

From: Lace2679732323

Drug dealer sells pills, weed, coccain, and crack. Can pretty much get anything you want. Willing to trade for other drugs.

From: Donna2679172744

This is a drug dealer. Sells coke, crack, weed, and pills.

From: roy nagle2676322725

keeps calling

From: James2674810853

They hung up