267 Area code

Country : United States
State : Pennsylvania

Recent posts

From: Kim2679802494

Prank call

From: Jackie desnoyer 2674496886

Received txt at 5am

From: Not really intereste2674752969

Probably someone who needs to move on with their life . I'm guessing it's someone who is super narcissistic & egotistical . Who despite having money or career or whatever they are so proud of themselves for... They do prank texts & calls.

They are deep down so empty and pathetic...maybe Instead of obsessing over someone they are too cowardly to confront they can actually get a real life...its so sad they make prank phone calls and get some kind of weird rush from it. They should realize that they are an adult with a serious problem and seek help. Both professional and spiritual by the means of a skilled pastor.

From: Kay 2674545113

Two phone calls

From: anna2677974433

abuse and repeating text

From: arun2675806631

looks like prank

From: Akria2672236344

disrespectful. told me my name sounds ghetto and i sound ghetto.

From: steve2673367791

Not talking

From: Cl2674375186

Many calls whispering

From: Jackie2677091299

Text message

From: HD2673208388


From: len2679415021

very unprofessional

From: Sakthi2673340544

He is one of my client

From: Kayla2674221642

It was kinda funny

From: INVIDI TECH2676853343

They keep calling multiple times a day.

From: angel2673335103


From: Mike2674083230

Received a phone call

From: Emily2672821880

received call, vm from Comcast sales rep wanting to "go over my account" and make sure I'm "getting the best deals with their new offers"

From: love bolivia2678165519

i dont know the person

From: Lynda parker2676168424

No name came up