213 Area code

Country : United States
State : California
(Los Angeles)

Recent posts

From: Michael Wagner2134001105

Sent text

From: James Holmes2132947355

This number has been texting my phone off and on for two month an I never gave my number out to anyone. Then they started asking questions about my life after they told me lies at first I thought it was one of my kids mother's using a text app. So I started making up stories to see if it was and come to find out it was I just don't know which one of them it is but I am getting closer to finding out

From: Mario Monroy2132633952

Its strange

From: DESI2132965683


From: billie2139499931

unknown #

From: Kristen Schultz2134405572

Scammers left this voice message-->Hi it's Bridget calling and I'm sorry I missed you. Just a quick question. How would more income change your life for over 14 years we've been showing people how to receive two to $5000 weekly immediate cash flow from a simple legal voicemail. This isn't like anything else you've ever heard. There's no selling no explaining no cold calling and no chasing friends and family. For free recorded details call 213-550-4472. Find out what you don't know because not everything is too good to be true right get the fax and then talk to us if you choose again for free recorded details just call 213....

From: Bonnie Vines2136101928

It was a woman by the name or R. Sanchez and according to her she was a private investigator. She then left me an email saying to call her back and for the next 2:20 minutes left her phone running so I heard her talking to a man she was with. Very weird. She was saying horrible stuff like, if I don't take she'll keep throwing "shit" at me, etc etc. UGH. Kinda creeped out. Anyone else have this happen??

From: Brittany2133612735

Keeps calling

From: victor ramirez2138586512

they dont say nothing

From: jamie2134461907

idk this caller

From: Dakota2133595581

Keep calling me

From: Derian2138589237

Received and text talking about past relationship

From: Billy Ortiz2135420926

stayed silent and then hung up

From: Veeps Piravi2134786037

A person who's last name I do not know

From: craig2135058866

Keeps saying hi

From: James2138587722

Just hung up

From: community recovery 2133376814

recovery center

From: karen2138732171

*********scam saying they were calling from the Michigan police department in an attempt to get money by saying my daughter was in some sort of trouble. BEWARE OF THESE PEOPLE. This is the second time someone has attempted to do it.

From: Thomas2133306502

Really weird sounded like Asian (Vietnamese or Thai) speaking garbled words, not English at all- shouted, loud and noisy and hung up. Called me back twice and though I call them- they do not pick up.

Weird though as the voicemail that it is directed towards is of an African-American lady named, "Lisa" that sounds like a real number/line but no way associated with the Asian voices that harassed me.

Phone could be stolen.

From: RichO2135456893

Phone number of a craiglist rental property scammer.