213 Area code

Country : United States
State : California
(Los Angeles)

Recent posts

From: joe jackson2134533797

hang up

From: Yessenia2135366815


From: Thomas Gourgolitsas2132140214

I missed the call

From: Harsha 2139479130


From: Bumann Yvonne2132903279

I've got a Ariwy Bill Diplomatic secured Organisation very strange...

From: Joseph2134656126

who is this person

From: Alez2137444348

Social services

From: null null2135327265

This number is for a telemarketer working for PCM (formerly PCMall), The actual number is registered by SARCOM which merged with PCM. Sadly, the operator who is making these fraudulant claims to ACTUALLY be from Microsoft and using scare tactics was unaware of who SARCOM was or the employer she was working for. PCM can be reached at (800) 700-1000, and to reach the PCM corporate office dial option 7 and then option 1 and request the corporate office.

From: Alex E.2138140668

They call almost every day. No one on the line, Call cut in 20 seconds. Calling back gets you to a full voice mail of an unidentified "circulation department".

From: enter your name2139841667

This is a scam. Someone claiming to be from the dept of legal affairs at US Treasury regarding a law enforcement action. The US Treasury does not contact people by phone, only in writing. Don't respond.

From: matayoshi2137458918

Called me. I didn't pick up. Didn't leave a voicemail.

From: Tanisha Johnson 2138141385

Called me while at work

From: Giz2135099332

I don't know who these people are, but they called at 1 AM on Sunday morning. Very suspicious.

From: Rotey2134717273


From: no2134480723

asked about Praz Michel in subject, then dick picks in the body of the text

From: John2133445715

Total scam claiming to be collecting a $500 debt with no explanation as to what the debt is for. When you refuse they threaten to file a baseless lawsuit in Miami or California. The caller speaks spanish. Subsequent calls result in the same empty threats but willing to negotiate the debt down to $200. Same thing is happening to my mother in law that lives in Puerto Rico. Do NOT give any personal information, do NOT answer any future calls, block the number and report it, and do NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES pay these scam artists any money, credit card charge, moneygram, or ANY type of payment. Ignore the empty threats and sleep well knowing it's total BS scam.

From: esther2132869856

wanted my credit card info claimed she wanted to discuss amounts and needed my credit card info fraud fraud fraud

From: D. Freedman2133001059

Incoming call call w was received from this
Inumber +12
1 3 3001059 which apears to
professiona SCAMMEER and suspect they are
connected to Idenity Theft ......

From: viv2132674532

The trace on this phone number reads as Not A Valid U.S. number - Scam/ Spam

From: Dulce Santos de Lima2133401691

Estão me emcomodando no meu numero ligando e falando merda e me ameçando .