510 Area code

Country : United States
State : California
(Oakland, Hayward)

Recent posts

From: John5102463006

The number is calling several times per day. They do not leave any voicemail.

From: Marecek510634811

Handlarz samochodów. Szanowny Pan J. Szczerze nie polecam, omijać szerokim łukiem. Książkowy przykład naciągacza i nieprawdopodobny kłamca. Nic co mowi przy sprzedaży samochodów nie jest prawdą. Pisze to gdyż udało mi się dotrzeć (przez ogłoszenie jeszcze aktywne) do osoby, od której nasz Sz. P. J kupił samochód i skonfrontować to czego nasłuchaliśmy się od niego.

From: lou5104040764

Several calls received after repeatedly asked to be removed from their call list.!!! What that hell is the authorities doing regarding this annoying scams!!!!!

From: peko5106655910

nobody answer

From: Randy Sok5102537507

He wouldn't say his name

From: marie5109315629

called my # asking for unknown person, he insisted i knew him, I hung up

From: Maria5104650236

I received a call from this number saing that it was from the Alameda County service.
The connection was bad and I couldn't understand so I said I will call the person back from my other phone, When I called there was an error message saying that the"number had been disconnected" I dialed back from my cell to be sure that I didn't make a mistake while dialing and I got the same answer. Mysterious call....

From: Butthole mcgee5107715426

Kaiser permanente

From: Christina5106420776

Got a call from this person looking for Adam...?

From: nirav5103704480

This number call and harras people

From: Jpl510713161

It is a prank

From: richard5109316679


From: mary vanderlick5104430043

Heavy accent so I am unable to understand what he wants Something about my computer and E Mail.. He would not put anyone else on phone He has been calling for several weeks now I want to know if this is a scam # Usually before the call I receive a friend request from Bill Anderson Help

From: Starr5102000927

Repeated calls from this number to my cell phone, never leaving a message.

From: Amanda Lewis5107615507

Person says their in Oakland Ca ..but im not sure met on dating site but the person had an accent when they called me.

From: Misty5108916135

Scam caller don't believed them they are liars trying to get money.

From: Robert5108665102

Broke ass 745 bmw driver ignorant

From: fred warner5102463871

southwest credit

From: Just me5105747358

When I called them back from a different phone a recording stated they are Consolidated Credit

From: susan carrer5105794864
