323 Area code

Country : United States
State : California
(Los Angeles)

Recent posts

From: Hanna3234065885

It was a missed call but now says the number doesn't exsist

From: bob3239899999


From: Brandon Bogle3239895472

Sexual harassment. Telling my fiancé I am cheating when I haven't. This person isn't even from where I live

From: Mark Onofrio3233968255

called left no message

From: Andrew3235903419

I was asleep when I recieved it, I called back they where claiming they didn't call me

From: NGN3233162380

Fundraising call for "Fraternal Order of Police." Yeah, right.

From: A3237446742

Call informing that CRA is going to file a law suit against. They call to dupe money from unsuspecting individuals.

From: test3235946894


From: paul corley3238443783

its weird

From: richard3236418993

prank calling

From: The Home Center3237868579

They are using a Magic Jack to hide their real identity.

From: danny3239853039

unknown caller

From: linda3232375617

Trying to get my name as if the caller was on speaker phone

From: Janet3232875438

Calling to tell me I received a loan in the amount of 1500 dollars a year ago, in my current city. I had a 300 dollar loan 4 years ago in a different city. Not only that but I haven't been in my current city 6 months. He told me he was a lawyer and I was being sued. However this is a scam. The company he said I got a loan through does not even do loans in my state.

From: Stef3233008039

Do not answer this number it is YELP and the guys at the other end like to call and swear at you, your co-workers and anyone else they can get on the line. When you do contact Yelp they don't care that someone from their telemarketing agency is ruining their company name. Do not answer this number is possible.

From: Joel Stapley3237094448

Not sure this person is who they say they are

From: bob3237448723

im trying to find out who this is

From: maria3234385225

I received a text message from a steven a newnan told me that warrant of my arrest i need to call and the end of the day.

From: junior3232161039

They claim to sell dudisneydid tickets but sell reprints don't trust them a friend lost $150

From: Sergio3235285905
