256 Area code

Country : United States
State : Alabama

Recent posts

From: Kristina 2565373390

Has called multiple times and finally left a message saying that this was the number on the Cash Net USA application. The number on that application is a toll free number, not my number.

From: Ladarrian2563684866

Text messages and calls

From: Sarah Daniels2566524957

I want to find more about the caller.

From: kendrs2569454354

A text message

From: Sabrina duncan2566003940

They texted me telling me they wanted to talk to someone they love and they are crom the same area i am.

From: Does it matter2569060468

Telemarketer, veterans??, call every single night

From: Scott2564150853


From: Cdingus2564838305

Left no message inquiring regarding a rental property

From: bsc2567593849

leaves a voicemail saying its Brad with Read/Reed/Reid Contracting also calls from 256-577-9423.I dont know if it's legitimate

From: Ann Cliine2568080520

On my bill want to know who it is

From: Kevin Eurich2565092734

Trying to sell truck

From: molly2566480777

text bout pills

From: Elizabeth2566255931

Verify is this a scam call?

From: No name2565879847

Called about credit card

From: Millie2565093644

Country accent dude called me and then texted me and my friend in class call u back and then he said answered and said this is steve what fo you need and then he texted this is cheif britton leave me alone or have your dad call.

From: david jones2566478817

reaccuring no answer

From: Laura Johnson2568749176

Answered and a recording came on about lowering my credit card interest rate...soI decided to talk to them and tell them that I do not own a credit card. After stating that I didn't own a credit card the person was irate and asked who owned a credit card. I told them no one with my # owned a credit card and I didn't know how they had my # and to take my # off their calling list. The person on the other end said, "F--- you, ma'am!" & I told him to have a blessed day. I then hung up. The # doesn't accept incoming calls or text.

From: Jai2562161550

Another PHISHED private number stating that 'they' are a 'tax resolution' company. I don't have any past-due taxes in need of resolving.....

From: Mary Jeter2562487333

Curious as to who this is they call and hang up

From: Lashawn2563688161

Texting my man