256 Area code

Country : United States
State : Alabama

Recent posts

From: Debbie2565876037

Hang up

From: jef 2565612117

strange calls

From: Leedlefish Lol2567622515

No info

From: Jennifer2565534401

Keep calling and talking crazy threatening text to

From: destiby2566916887

Random calls

From: Daniel2562799829


From: George2567052062


From: moss2564687877

hang up

From: Brittany 2566644728

Asking personal information

From: Cheryl Young2562441486

phishing scam. told me there was government money waiting for me if I filled out a form - which included my SS# and other private information.

From: sunil.pitram1@gmail.2569452241

I don't know who it is

From: Rich2565224019

Got the call and didn't answer because I didn't recognize the number. Tried to call it back and I got a recording saying all the "Agents" were busy and was going to put on hold. They did not state who they were as most would in that situation. Suggest block the number.

From: thomas 2563122111


From: tashara 2566941083

Someone keeps calling me and hangin up

From: angie2567563324

unknown caller

From: JOsh2567922275

Received a phone call from this number, which is my cousins old phone number. i answered the phone and nobody replied. i called back, they answered but didn't say anything. i shortly received a text message saying stop calling me....even though they called me first....

From: Greg Lewis2567383478


From: tucker2566152141

got my number randomly

From: Michelle2564108145


From: Eb2564144329

Says they are calling about a pay day loan that i did not take out, company doesn't say their name or provide proof of their claims.