256 Area code

Country : United States
State : Alabama

Recent posts

From: Buck Austin2564122798


From: jennifer2562513393

Called saying had won gift card and asked for address email address and bank information I hung up

From: Cynthia2562988183

The calls starting come in around 2:15pm. They called 10 times up until 6pm. They either hung without saying anything or asked if we wanted to sign up for health care. We told them several times that we were not interested and asked them not to call again....to no avail!!!!!

From: Jessica Caul2566762340

I didn't answer the call because I was at church and I don't answer calls where I don't recognize the number.

From: Angie2566405137

Hang up

From: Terri Campbell2568371816

Claim they are from the IRS and that they are filing a law suit against me.

From: james2563814893

Repeat call

From: Дмитрий2563681545

увидел этот номер , сидя на крыше одного дома тёмным вечером в свете далёких окон .Что мне делать?
мой вк vk.com/despairndecay
напиши мне,если видел(а) что-то подобное

From: Corrry2562829426

Call and hung up

From: Jennifer2566762175

Calls, no voicemail

From: billy2563245104

they are being mysterious

From: Dwayne2562688772

location or address

From: Michael Davis2562701554

I've been receiving emails warrant to arrest and my social security has been put in hold, if I don't contact him on the next 48 hours I going to be prosecuted by the United States District court. Come on some one has to do something about it get this guy and put him behind bars and the all this people mess up the mind to the people, he's name is Michael Davis and this guy pretending to be a State Attorney

From: Teonia Brooks2566315198

Would not say anything just holding phone.

From: dan2563356849

Wierd txt message. Texted while i was working.

From: Erick Morrell 2563448161

This US diagnostics call center number

From: ls2565656624


From: jason prusinski2567333984

hang ups

From: Lynday2566136436

I don't know the number

From: Smitty jr2562763352

This number has called me nine times in a five minutes peoried as has ticked me off