206 Area code

Country : United States
State : Washington

Recent posts

From: barb2063171559

I ar my getting calls from Washington telling me that the irs is filing law suit against me and thould callt to see what it is about . I want these calls to stop. this the third call I'm umbeg. I would like these calls to stop

From: GGf2066938662

I received Text message

From: samme2065166752

Scared its a scam

From: samme2062165672

Says wants to hire me sent me a check am,scared,it's a scam

From: faith beattie2069975101

someone sent a message
i don't know who they are

From: wuf2069658174


From: mario2069674395

They call me about some money I suppose Winn

From: John2065677293

Guy says something about a treasury action against me...

From: Sweetie2069253990

These guys are CRAZY!! they pretend to be the IRS calling with your info saying you are being sued by the IRS in tax filings. He even pretends to be an officer.. Going to report this to police, IRS and phone company.. Just ridiculous, vicious no good people interrupting a perfectly nice day... Gonna get cha!!

From: art thomson2069498081

Horrible language. Have no. Idea who it is. Talks like they know me
Very disturbing

From: Stan2069059987

It's a total scam. Received a robocall from the "IRS" saying that they had been trying to reach me and they were initiating a lawsuit against me. Told to call this number urgently. I call the number and it's some guy with an accent saying "Internal Revenue Service." It's a total scam by some impotent scumbag who can't make it by getting an honest job. I kept calling back just to mess with him.

From: jopaji2065112119

give me details

From: Exposing Scammers an2068589169

Spammers they just keep numbers coming and I just keep posting numbers with everyone they try. And they soon will have to run out of numbers soon LOL!! I love exposing these idiots!!

From: MuddyLumpkin2064518266

Telemarketer - India accent - need I say more?

From: Sandra Jean Mores2069733947

Said I was getting a federal grant of $9700 but had to register with $245 to get it

From: itssim2069468235

Comcast home security instal survey.

From: tt2065694696

scam call claiming to be the IRS

From: RITA CHATTERJI2066152300


From: John Doe2069719411

An old lady voice on the phone stated that the call was being recorded and that they were attempting to collect a debt for Comcast. They asked if my address was ..... and I said that was an address from about 15 years ago. I asked if the issue was a recent issue, and they said it was from last year. They then asked for my updated address. I told them no because it was very weird that they had an address from 15 years ago, and not the address where I actually had comcast cable. I told them it seemed more like a phishing scam and they got off the phone very quickly after that. It's very surprising that a debt collector would want to get off the phone. Suspicious.

From: Unknown2063333632

this is a scam using false contact info and a false web site