206 Area code

Country : United States
State : Washington

Recent posts

From: Ja2068667092

Scam. Pretends to be a military man in the middle east asks for bank account info so he can supposedly send you money. Don't fall for it ladies, hes not real and will get very mad when confronted. He asked for my address first to send me a suprise.

From: David2064519902

Message left on phone 2/9/16 12:11pm:
--this is IRS; IRS is in process of suing you. You must call 206 451-9902 to stop this law suit.

--Why would anyone leave this message on a 96 year old lady's phone is beyond us. When she called all upset about it, we told her it was a scam call and to forget about it and not call them back.

From: Richard2063218220

Want to sell services to protect your computer against viruses, but want to access your computer to install it. A different take on the Windows Tech Services scam.

From: Marc Turnbow2064417748

legitimate call -- just can't remember name

From: denise2065954140

who called me

From: Mike2063198649

scam call from "IRS' but its FAKE

From: Latoya2068864088

A woman called me, she spoke my name and asked what I was doing. I asked her who she was, she spoke her name. Not recognizing her voice or making out her name, I asked again, who she was and the phone hung up.

From: 206-375-9433 NOT SAF2063759433

typical scam call, recommend blocking.

From: Arthur2066610429

No message

From: Christie 2069009318

This number keeps calling my son saying they wNt$250 for $7000

From: John2063815645


From: luke2064991392

Missed called but couldn't call back

From: Isaiah2069496062

Left their number on a note when they hit my car

From: Mandy2065863035

this is another telemarketer wanting credit info.

From: Jeremy2066931129

Could be nothing. But I got called on my cell, no talked, or breathed or anything

From: Brad2063517285

Girlfriend may be stocking me

From: Bill2065826093

Scammers who are trying to defraud people who post ads on craigslist.

From: Brent2066839380


From: ben2069499518


From: Robert 2067135142

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