347 Area code

Country : United States
State : New York
(Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island)

Recent posts

From: Pistoff Bartmann3472457445

Caled, did not say a word and hng up. permantly blocked

From: john ayala3474755133

dont know who it is no voicemail

From: Sam3479694919

Some female asking for craig every time she calls

From: Anonynous3473932188


From: John Doe3476698104

Claims to be IRS agent. SCAM!

From: Justina Pryor 3476872929

People talking about my personal information

From: Lu3479460144

Unknow call

From: JOHN STAUNTON3476084589

keeps calling and nanging up

From: jen3475640561

dont know number

From: edward3478243162

multiple calls

From: unknown3472255440

Got a message from this number, 08/17/2015. the msg said that someone that I new got hurt in a car accident in NY. and that I should be calling them back.
right away I called everyone I knew in NY, everyone was fine, so I call them back and its like the number does not exist. its unreachable. so I am assuming its just someone trying to fool people to get private information. be careful people. when getting this kind of situation, do not come to a conclusion and just give anything they want.

From: marco 3476230336

call in 28 and 29 july

From: Will3475413526

I don't know who it is

From: dk3474159552


From: mary3477083116

someone called

From: antonio3472571229


From: [email protected]3478982096

I know that company belongs, and that state is

From: Rino Rimaldi3472725454


From: Hjh3473581060

No pick up

From: aralee pars3474205368
