347 Area code

Country : United States
State : New York
(Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island)

Recent posts

From: carrie3478151097

this number keeps texting about a fake job post. do yourself a favor and dont text back they act like there 5

From: Dennis3478993576

Don't know the number but keep texting

From: Victor Galevsky3478636842

I got a call from him

From: Renee L Lancaster3478242750

been getting lots of calls from his number, hangs up when I answer

From: vale3479216963


From: jacqueline torres3475498583

calls and hangs up

From: david3478229473

constantly call me and yet no person talking

From: JAy3474829590

Continuous phone call

From: damja3474149111

check the ID of the caller

From: Kristian3473028464

Number unknown

From: cici b3479818548


From: rk3472214093

harassing call

From: John3475755217

They texting me

From: Jay Lewis 3478096784

Claiming to be from irs and going to put me jail.

From: Krome3478468605

Threats against property

From: mew3477410228

a recording said they were the IRS and they were filing a suit against me.

From: Jeff3474180329

Guy called saying he was going to come arrest me for "illegal activity against my identity" if I didn't call back right away. Very heavy accent and pretty much incoherent.

From: yy3479603583


From: Pam3473052003

I got a Call from a foreign sounding person saying that they got a report from Microsoft indicating I am having issues with my computer. I get these calls at least once a week from someone. They use a different number and name each time. This time it was an anonymous number. Person gave me this number and said his name was Max Cooper. I have talked to my local police deparrment, and they are a scam.

From: Pam L.3477418228

THIS IS A SCAM!!! This is a recorded called saying that this is a final attempt to collect from the IRS before legal action will take place.