425 Area code

Country : United States
State : Washington
(Seattle area)

Recent posts

From: JustM4254042330

Said was from CPA firm in Redmond Wa.

From: Eric4255599907

Calls and hangs up.

From: Ralph4254356007

Benaroya Hall email list/donations.

From: Shy boy4257660916

It calls and hangs up

From: Ms Motes4253741249

caller says from IRS Hotline. and says to call Employee Batch Number 94290. When responding to call it is answered by recording "241 Test Successful"

From: J Strickland4252470818

Did not answer, voice said was IRS and they were filing a lawsuit against me, and I must return the call. BS

From: juliet simms4252865339

early calls

From: Timothy Hinsdale4253146134

Missed the call

From: Chris4255984261

Claim to be irs and final warning about be sued

From: emily4253195067

hi someone named alexis is calling me from that number, just wanted to find out what her last name is for personal reasons

From: Steven Reiser4256783622

Phone scam I have had before and heard about before where a person claim that Federal Criminal Charges have been placed against me from the US Treasury Department and they want me to have them help represent me with the US Treasury Department.

From: sam crager4253574486


From: Kris4254349557


From: joshua4252590717


From: Rob4256895489

Received a robo-call with no answer. A few minutes later I received a call from Wellness Group asking me to schedule an appointment consultation for my recent accident. When I asked what insurance company they represented (as I had recently had an accident) they said they represented all insurance companies and wanted to talk about the soreness I was experiencing. I'm sure they obtained information from my police report but I found the call to be obtrusive and the caller to be rude-suggesting that he wouldn't talk to me if I was agitated. Caller hung up on me, and received a busy signal when I attempted to call back.

From: Evan 4254999685

I want to know who this is

From: Toby Lopez4252043001

Called and hung up.

From: Jim4253097831

This is that fake IRS threat.

From: Sharon4253097832

This is that fake IRS threat. Robocall, which means I get no satisfaction from lambasting the caller with angry profanity.

From: Scott Robbins4252428496

Scam about free grant money giving me$8500 if I pay a $250 transaction fee .