425 Area code

Country : United States
State : Washington
(Seattle area)

Recent posts

From: Ian Watson4253410299

Presented as an attorney for a charitable person.

From: Piloe4255919208


From: Kimber4256897078

The company leaves messages that I have allegations and judgements against me and they are going to pursue me by garnishing all wages, accounts, and assests.

From: J4256986176

Rang, I couldn't pick up, no voicemail left.

From: Jason4254893798

Caller ID said Larry Freeman. Unknown to me and out of area so I screened. Did not leave a voicemail.

From: Nikolai Nickelby4253361814

An Indian or Pakistani scam operation claiming to be the IRS. They tell you that you owe lots of money to the government. They then tell you to go to the bank and call them back so they can tell you where to wire the money. Just hang up.

From: hany ibrahim4259547801

some one need a help ..

From: Gerald B.4259473479

I never pickup (unknown number) but there is always a 9 - 12 second vmail with mechanical sounds - then hangup

From: Benjamin Sienkiewicz4253285640


From: Cameron4258800946

I received a text from this number.

From: LEE4254526900

claimed he was a Bellevue police by name "detective Shear" investigating on American Express fraud charges on my CC.

From: Mansor Baghshomali4257538281

could not call back the number

From: peter4256285738

miss call

From: Dave4252509017

I received the call. And it was an automation machine.
Called my full name and gave me an option to call i800 number or to press any key on my phone to be transfer. I press a key on my phone and this guy comes up and asked me what's my name and how can he help me. I said you're the one calling me. And he said give me your phone number and I will find you in the system. I gave him my phone number, after few seconds he said there's a possible law-suit against you from -------. I asked from who? because he was talking really fast. Anyway he become defensive about me asking him question. So he hanged the phone on me.

From: karl4252197825

BS hilton hotel offer

From: john4256238934


From: Abby4252857566


From: david 4252802662

They called didn't leave a message but this is a cell phone prefix (280) so it is probably a scam

From: Name Unnecessary 4256282949

Girl with seduction skills calls me from "marketing company" to tell me about "The World Wide Web" . hung up she kept calling back

From: Jason Lesniak4253107584

text only number