419 Area code

Country : United States
State : Ohio
(Toledo, Sandusky, Bowling Green)

Recent posts

From: atco Belo4196037574


From: Catherine carney4197337700

Missed call

From: Igor4199000880


From: Beth Blaze4197084338


From: Adam4197203040

Called no message

From: Heather4194649700

I don't know who it is

From: what a pain4193596546

Someone from this number called me this morning. They simply will not stop, so I finally answered. It's a tax relief telemarketing firm. When I explained that I was not "James" and to remove me from their list, I got hung up on. I called back and the person answering didn't say "hello", but said "James??". I tried once again to explain I was NOT James, I got hung up on again!! I called for the third time and got someone who would finally listen. She said someone named James once upon a time, called inquiring about their debt relief program. I told her I got his old phone number once it was recycled and she then took me off their list.

This company is extremely rude, but I'm thankful that I was finally able to reach a person at the number they actually called FROM. I beat them at their own game.

From: Sam4197885531

Text message

From: jon boden4192735021

did not talk

From: Yvonne Berman4192974358

early morning calls

From: don z4198732900


From: dustin4197225411


From: Tatiana4193229001

I receive a strange sms

From: Nathan 4199215345

prank call it was annoying

From: Candy4195646322

Called my tablet looking for nate

From: Jared4197647257

Someone called me

From: Alek4197764028

its a text

From: Whitney Johnson 4197909682

Texting me and not saying who they are. I've ask multiple time who is this and they continue to not tell me . I've tr to call but they send me straight to voice Mail.

From: Skippy Jones4197181762

some nasty text from this number

From: Sam Baines4199898985

Unknown questions