414 Area code

Country : United States
State : Wisconsin

Recent posts

From: Kate 4149305277

called no message

From: Chris4144347611

He called me a nigger out of the blue

From: david4145340141


From: Vw4142698082

this is the number that comes up with a message on my phone saying to call 631-542-2952. call 414.269.8082 number back and you can hear someone listening, presumably in a call center.

From: Milian4148822164

no message just this strange phone number

From: tayme latorre4144775854

About renting a house

From: bob4143688489

missed a call from this number

From: Someone4147582068

Credit card interest rates as low at 6%

From: James4145172775

Some tacky dude saying I called him and wanted to know what I need. Talks like a drug dealer.

From: Regina carter4142090628

Call and Hangup

From: Melissa4143714340

Calls my phone talking nonsense

From: Kim4142544464

I don't know this number

From: m4146147535


From: Sarah4147880622

Just called me

From: Andrew4148976515

Called about a complimentary night at Mariott

From: xx4142698501


From: mike4143361768

i domt know who i called

From: Anonynous4144591164

Think of anyone take a Video of you, here is a link

From: george4148651117

Beware of a man by the name of Archie using this cell #. He is a scam artist, buying and selling cars and sealing asphalt driveways. He does half a job, waters down the sealer and then leaves promising to return to finish the job. I believe he has a partner named Nick. You have been warned.

From: Austin4149794592

They called me 5 times in a row