414 Area code

Country : United States
State : Wisconsin

Recent posts

From: Sheri4148222165

This was a threatening phone call received on my work number.

From: Yuri Patterson4144290364

Say he is my boyfriend(catfish)

From: Austin4145177994


From: leroy4146301456

Didn't answer

From: Paul4146516374

Unknown Cell

From: Angela salazar4146594148

Text messages saying someone gave them my num.

From: Lisa4143125608

I couldn't understand entirely what the caller was saying - speaking fast and had an accent. But she asked me if I was interested in returning to school, and what area of study I would go into, if I was happy where I was at, and if I wanted to transfer.

From: Lary Christiansen4146140744

unknown caller

From: Monica4147790032

Too many

From: Lily4146394973

calls without answering

From: jessica4149738389

noone on the line just silence

From: Saquoia Seaberry-Ste4142181506

Random number that knew me and my boyfriend

From: Anonymous4146872857

BEWARE!! Caller is an underage minor making prank phone calls and sending fake text messages. Caller requests explicit photos and makes explicit comments. Caller is an underage minor!! Please report this number if you have been contacted.

From: Brian Bowen4147727099

it was just a phone call i didn't answer.

From: I don't want to4147022925

Caller called about 10:30 pm. They left a message "wonderful". I thought it was a response to what I had said to friends earlier. I asked if its mikes new phone. Caller replied b message, "no it is not."

I replied, then who is it joker. Then I simply blocked the number now.

From: Jkeyser4148553172

I don't know who they are

From: robert4143269104

calls every day even sunday

From: Ashlyn Maglio4147681112

Job interview

From: IRS4144362008

Some foreign said he was from the IRS and Office XXX and ask me why did I call and don't ever call back again.

From: Mali4144599421

Seems to want my money