412 Area code

Country : United States
State : Pennsylvania

Recent posts

From: Lloyd parler4123780081

They we harassing me

From: Paul4122586497

called and got my dad to give his ss number and banking pin

From: mary veltman4124215213

Blank call

From: derek whitten4125676281

asked for my date of birth to verify who they were talking to and that the call was of a personal matter. Said that they were a private company so I refused to give up that information until they told what this was about and then they hung up.

From: Michael tripp4124043749

It was a text message

From: Edward Wagner4122754793

Texting homosexual comments on my phone.

From: ya, right4124300976

Computer call...I refuse to stay on long enough because of all the hang ups I've gotten.

From: louisa4125017037

this number keeps calling me and asking for advice for his "wife" and their "newborn child." after hearing my kids in the background, he keeps asking about my kids ages. when i call back from a separate number, the voice message says his name is "jeffery smith."

From: Christine4125365127

This number has called seven times today! I attempted to answer only twice. As soon as I picked up, the caller hang up. last call was at 8:47 PM. First call was at 9:00 this AM. Major pest!

From: Jack4128048010

Lady just making prank calls.

From: nicole4127732001

I recieved a call from the number 412-773-2001. I have a similar phone number and thought maybe I knew this person. It was a recording about an offer for a higher intrest level on a credit card. Then required me to press 9 to speak with an agent, call went to voicemail. I left name and phone number. I am worried now about this.

From: David Krakosky4128880201

Lots of hang up, no message calls.

From: nanno4124556007

It's DirectTV...

From: Anon4128541795

Prank caller, asking for tech support.

From: Sandra Griffin4124185300

text message

From: Colleen4126206820

Don't know

From: paul4123786587

trying do threat.

From: mathew4125621032

voice mail left but no information regarding caller

From: Brian4123034840

I dont know who's number this is

From: Michael Donovan4122661230

They were talking about my injury