412 Area code

Country : United States
State : Pennsylvania

Recent posts

From: jeff4129517545

not sure

From: Pino4122548387

This is the collection number for Sprint.

From: Diana4122128208

Just wondering

From: sick of it!!!4126212717

Rite Aid Pharmacy said prescription was ready-- nobody ordered a prescription from Rite Aid......

From: Dash Properties4123575736

keep getting recording when i call back

From: GoodStart4129270127

These are complimentary pharmacy follow up calls for patients recently placed on important medications.

From: Nancy4122359951

I get an average of at least 3 calls a day from this number and they have never left a message. If you can't leave a message I don't answer.

From: My Name4125664414

This was a local staffing agency. Legitimate caller

From: Jon4124578053

Call don't answer

From: Simply A4127222236

Called my cell and didn't leave a message. Other sites say the number has been searched over 100 times in the last hour. Big red flag. Do not give them any info if you answer!

From: howard holmes4124432064

selling student debt reduction
called back and it is for something else

From: Arlee4125670174

Scammer phishing for credit card information. Pretends to be from Microsoft.

From: Smf4125158814

They try to threaten with legal jargon to intimidate you into believing you're in trouble and have to pay out money.

From: kristi4128898020

i dont anwer it

From: Phineas Phreak4124276800

Calling several times and never leaving a message

From: Tee4122260149

I called back and an answering service identified the caller as Sirius XM.

From: LAS4125679340

caller would mo respond when I answered.

From: M4125674515

have received multiple calls from this number as well as two other numbers with the same area code and exchange (412-567-6101 & 6293) in the last 2 days. I don't answer unfamiliar numbers and they don't leave messages.

From: Christopher Spudich4129276298

Did not answer.

From: paulette blanks4127262893

texts my phone asking if I still offer catering service. If this was legit and they have my number I would think that they would call me to talk about catering service.