402 Area code

Country : United States
State : Nebraska
(Omaha, Lincoln)

Recent posts

From: Amber lee4026697864

Just received a call. I couldn't answer at the time. Wanted to know who it was out maybe what it's about

From: Me4024831216

missed the call. it seems local. but weird. idk

From: Emmy 4023407150

It was a text message that said inapropreate things

From: J P Broderick4025981800

no mesage

From: Al4025528985

Robo call, mortgage something-or-other

From: Jennifer4026162608

late call, no one spoke

From: Janelle 4029484350

They keep calling who are they

From: mike4022660238

nebraska number

From: ny4028587017

who is it?

From: Ranjith4023745468

got a suspicious call

From: Unknown4022671676

I have received phone calls at work and home leaving the following messages "Your case#XXXXX has been placed with Division of processing and has been escalated to our final review department due to a lack of response from the required respondent. A review of this file is being conducted by one of our loss mitigation specialist and a recommendation of action to our client is imminent in order for your personal statement to be included in this review.
Press one now to speak to the representative responsible for conducting the review or call us at 1-402-267-1676 immediately upon receipt of this message. Failure to respond will result in a recommendation being submitted to our client without your personal statement being included."
I have been scammed by these intimidating messages before. Does anyone know anything about this phone number? I can not seem to get a location and would like to send cease and desist letter.

From: john4022898228

didnt answer try to call back the mail box was full

From: john4022858567

scammer looking for your money. I tried calling a number on cl in Ohio and received a text from this number in Nebraska wanting my email address to discuss information about the partially correct item. They need to keep their scams straight.

From: Nnatra Mohr 4025638203

Was at work and couldn't answer the phone they called me twice. Just want to know who it is

From: Jo4023827494

Scammer from Craigslist.

From: Greg Hansen4028447593

Recorded message saying something about a credit card and then the call ended.

From: Nicole 4022156768

Complaining that they are offended by the christmas lights I have hung at my house and asking me to take them down because they are Jewish and it offends them. They also requested that any christmas tress we have up to no be visible. They claimed they were my neighbors.

From: Lynn4024749885

Whomever this is calls and doesn't leave a message.

From: joel4027308358

No good

From: Holly Carr Valdes4026898209

it is a text message