361 Area code

Country : United States
State : Texas
(Corpus Christi, Victoria)

Recent posts

From: Denny bonnen3612438088

It was a text

From: Maribel Carrales3615044400


From: Ashley3618575650


From: Rana3618038200

I have received this call?

From: Jouni3618022400

Aome fuckerd called me from budabest

From: Trenton3616613030

Just called

From: Briaba3618866944

Didnt answer

From: Heather Jones3612324477

It was for student loans from ACS.

From: Karina 3617172012

Don't know much

From: Ana3615573140

I received a call from (361) 557-3140 saying that "their office" had received a complaint with my name and social security number. It stated I should call 888-813-6369 regarding the issue. I googled the 888 # and it is linked to scams. I assumed it was connected with my Sprint account, since the name they said is not my name but someone that I shared a phone account with. I can't imagine how else anyone would associate that name with my number. Very weird. I did not answer. I will not call back.

From: sue3613363880

Republic Services trash collection service

From: Linda 3612145116

Keeps calling me

From: Kendeena Welsh 3619601143

This is my personal phone number and it is not used for Spam or to call anyone. Obviously another smear campaign.

From: derk3616935947

asked for someone i know who doesn't use this number. said it was "alfred with prelegal department at ETI". sounds like a scam / collector to me

From: Suzy3614885141

Didn't recognize the number so I did not answer. They keep calling & do not leave a message. I've blocked this number.

From: Kris3615510826

Someone trying to get me to wire money to someone named Leila in Colorado for some fund. BEWARE TOTAL SCAMMER!!!

From: Henry Wilkerson3616919111

It's say for me to call that number because of a kidnaping

From: brandon3619989193

SSI survey company

From: James3619912617

Unknown number

From: Vanessa Franklin 3617998754

It says call from Budapest when it rings I never answered it does anyone know what this is or who it is please