330 Area code

Country : United States
State : Ohio
(Akron, Canton, Youngstown)

Recent posts

From: Kaitlyn3302098911

Didn't answer

From: Deb3309706584

It was a suspicious text. It had my name, address, and a link to a map of where I live. I texted back, "Is there a message?" but no one replied. Rather disturbing!

From: Brianna3306237243

Someone sent me a text with my name and a family members previous address. I never actually lived there just visited so this text is most definitely strange.

From: Anne3307151915

I don't know who this is and I'm concerned about it.

From: Debbie Mayer3309450997


From: alice3306343473

keeps calling

From: mom3304909731

Hes a stalker

From: SAM3305488856

I got a text by someone I don't believe it's really them

From: Sabrina3304072415

Who is it

From: Bob Lewis3309966975


From: Brenna Francis3309266774

Called and didn't leave a message

From: Sean3306598667

Voicemail from "Aetna" to discuss insurance, called back to a recording of what sounds like a man masturbating.

From: Eric York3309781001


From: Taylor3309629222

Received a call from this number on 11/19/2015. I was sent a text message right after asking if I was Taylor. When I replied yes they said their name was Sgt. Bartholet and they were contacting me about joining the Marines. However, I have never signed up for anything like this. I don't know if this is a prank or what.

From: Tula Ahladis3303929618

they closed the line

From: Rob3307052796

Fir a job

From: glenn3308807108

Called. No message no one there

From: Alyssa3308587944

they were added into our gm without our knowledge or doing

From: Shane Moodie3306879957

Giggling in the background, asking if they were on speaker, ect. I hung up after a minute or so. Just curious who this was.

From: JACOB WILLIS3309620991

leaving harrassing text