330 Area code

Country : United States
State : Ohio
(Akron, Canton, Youngstown)

Recent posts

From: Lauren Cooper3302348633

called left 3 second voicemail

From: Dale Pudloski3307659241

didn't leave message

From: J3306495806

This number is affiliated with a crisis hotline. Known hotline is by text to 741741

From: Some Dude3303574183

Used for appointment confirmations

From: Albert3305951836

IRS SCAMMERS! IRS never will call you my friends. you will get a letter first so please ignore these scam calls!

From: BUD M.3303623243


From: Eric3308994529

Silent, but called at odd time, 830pm on Friday night

From: Anon3305886107

It's JCPenney Portraits

From: K3304174027

Keeps sending text messages. I don't know this person, and will not text back. I'm thinking they have a wrong number, but I can't be sure.

From: Arthur Ferreira Gome33058970

Essa pessoa me ligou falando que eu tinha que pagar 1500 reais pq eu fiz um cadastro na sos ingles ai eu ligue pra la e eles faram que nao ligaram para mim ou seja isso e um golpe.

From: Ashley3308814131


From: Denise Schrader3306054944

got more calls than I ever want from these people who call and don't say anything, just to say they called us....so time warner cable I hope you heard me say that I wanted my number taken off of this list and not called again. By the way this number is on the DO NOT CALL LIST if I get another call I will report you.

From: Tricia3305405595

The person said they weren't okay.

From: SS3304231334

called numerous times over several days and multiple times a day

From: Anita Sanford3308199827

scam... hung up on me when they called... then said it was about a business matter.

From: Terry3302869191

3rd call i have gotten from various states... ohio, Colorado and Texas about shipping a car to me... one was to a guy named charles, one to me and another to a different name..... They were extremely rude to me when I said I was going to report them.... infact they called back and stated not to ever hang up on them....and then swore and hung up

From: buddy3305191619


From: AJ3304858138

Unknown caller asking about people at the house

From: Tina Perez3307866832

They won't stop calling

From: Joe3302828187

This number is for PBS. If you ever gave to your local Public Broadcast Station they will call you and thank you for your donation.