313 Area code

Country : United States
State : Michigan

Recent posts

From: dj roberson3135518772

just want to know has this number

From: pra3139264389

they send an email saying they need an appointment regarding the information we provided on i129

From: la3138808390


From: kym3134984660


From: nick3137541764

just a recording that the extension is not valid.

From: Karrie3139480253

strange texts

From: Iesha T Wakefield3138549826

Keep calling

From: rosa enelida muñoz g3133152788

lo que pasa es que bote el celular en una cabina y se me perdieron los contactos fuimos a ala cabina ha decirle a la señora que quien fue el ultimo en entrar en la cabina y la señora dijo que no respondía por lo que se pierde entonces llamamos y ya lo habían apagado y ahora perdimos a la familia por que ellos viven en sincelejo y nosotros nunca fuimos a conocer aya y ellos son muy pobres para venir acá y ellos tenian este numero pero cuan do se perdió ya no saben a donde llamar porque nosotros tampoco tenemos el de ellos

From: Guest What3135906589

awesome migga

From: Dee andersin3133550762

No message

From: Earl D Hawkins3132652805

Just keep calling me.

From: EM3137661015

They said they were calling about a personal business matter. And wanted my personal information. I would not give any so they ended the call.

From: camillia3137579056

Female ..

From: Grace nyauchi3135519766

Unknown call

From: william robertson3138201053

suspicious character

From: danna carolina aria3135209143

hacer que el mundo tenga mas celulares de todas las fprmas

From: Jade Disque3134078188

It was calling for an interview but to meet up at a Starbucks

From: L. K. Van Horn3139605708

Call from someone with semi-Indian accent saying my computer was down,landing "malacious" (as he pronounced it) software. Had a very similar call before not long ago, where the caller hung up on me when I began asking questions. This time, caller read me a long list of numbers and letters of serial #. I said thanks and hung up.

From: ashley Johnson3135169111

Asking for money

From: gagan3136714513

missed call