262 Area code

Country : United States
State : Wisconsin
(Racine, West Bend)

Recent posts

From: Taylor 2626619671

it was a boy

From: Faith2627446724

Texted me that I called her but my call log said I hadn't called anyone for like a week

From: Robert2622199297

did not recognize the number... didnt answer

From: jake2624706670


From: pAMELA2627069167


From: September Jones2624929009

Missed call is number im not familiar with. I want to know who's trying to contact me before i return the call.

From: mm2627322796

received a picture

From: Dori 2622995275

Harassing phone calls and texts

From: Cameron2626504944

Missed call

From: kim2626279199

Loud music and no body answering

From: June2625376254

prank call

From: Rita2625102444


From: Tom2625108526


From: walker2626234143

Don't know who is calling me

From: Peggy Bednar2625049682

Just calls,leaves no message.

From: Leonida Granon2628068725

Supposed to be Jakson Brown, or a group of idividuals who involve people emotionnaly and then ask them financial help so they can sort themselves from a difficult situation

From: Maci hahn2622378981


From: Sandra2622215512

They called twice , and didn't say nothing .

From: Jaida 2629497048

They are telling me I will be in the hunger games

From: patrick2622518509

A message was left by a person calling himself "Chris" (and I'm betting his last name isn't "Kringle"). He simply said to call "Chris" at "262 251 8509 ext. 125" He had a low, serious gruff tone. Really scary tough guy bill collector, I'm sure. Except he'll have to get in line to beat me up. You see, on August 22 the Jack Boots will be coming for me. They will rip me from my modest home of 58 years (since I was 6 years old). I'm disabled and have lived solely on a very meager SSD income for 26 years now. The cost of living always goes up, and the property taxes pretty much sky rocket. Eventually I began to loose the struggle to keep up. You can only sacrifice so much; skimp on medication, decent healthy food, many necessities. So now the "bigger" Bads are coming for me "Chris," and you don't sound so scary or tough at all. Thanks for calling though.