253 Area code

Country : United States
State : Washington

Recent posts

From: amanda2538880445

Repeated messages

From: chelsea2534951011

2 calls within the last hour

From: Yamira Monterosa2533984703

My cell note 2 was stolen

From: Anony2537773436

Said he was with IRS and that lawsuit was being filed against me. Scam.

From: chris2533362138

Texts about someone named Alyssa.

From: Dick2532209958

This is that IRS scam call - AVOID!

From: Bates, D2537773378

This number is a scam trying to get people to get loans. They called repeatedly and refused to give any information, neither would they comply when asked for a supervisor. BEWARE it is a scam.

From: t2539700862

who is this

From: Timmy2532164326

Did not answer since I didn't recognize the number

From: Justin Watts2532153384

We received 118 messages from this number. I called it back and it's a non-profit for multiple donation centers. Not sure if it's legit, but this happens around once a month from this number and is extremely annoying and affects our business due to the time it takes to delete all the non-message, messages....

From: Foss2539876496

Text was very cussing and inappropriate

From: Diana2532373977

Called with a recorded message saying that they were working on my Social Security Disability application, but couldn't proceed until I called them back at 954-271-2345.

From: Cody Scribner 2534422368


From: Thomas2533122029

Phone rang - no answer

From: Rodriguez2536175822

Don't know who it is

From: Ron2532302768

Just called and did not leave a message at 5:55am

From: Maria2533270930

Sent me a spam message "Seen Glide? http:i.glide.me/join. I sent a text back to ask who it was, received no answer.