216 Area code

Country : United States
State : Ohio

Recent posts

From: GPerry2168945118

Testing the phone with a friend

From: Bill Poole2167540576

Late night

From: Marie Lawson 2163745228

Keeps calling

From: tina2165037589


From: lisa2162621096


From: christian alexander 2163207939

hi come pick us up dear cj

From: lori2166473483


From: Concerned citizen2166452155

Call from someone very rude claiming to be with the FBI.

From: Security2164099280

requested information

From: jeff2164068553


From: Daisonae Martin2168047676

They call I answer and they hang up.

From: zack2168961733

just a call

From: Shawn2162422145

I get prank calls from this number which appears to be Uber's customer number that connects the driver and the customer. The person who calls also says that he or she received a call from this number and asks me if I called. I would never use Uber primarily for this type of harassment.

From: Marsha Miller2162884619

wants to meet

From: Kay 2163188441

They keep calling saying they're in my drive way or by my house and stuff .

From: Michelle2164159851

Sending harassing text messages

From: nick2166062579

Very polite

From: K mccallum2169386938

They say theyre someone named marc

From: Erica2165587474

Said "Hi, It's Michael what should I bring to thanksgiving?" continued asking when I said stop calling and finally said "Okay, I don't know you but your family seems chill". I think it was a robot/computer call.

From: Erica2165578541

Said I was being sued for $10,000 and that I must appear in court next week. Was a robot caller-- it did not respond correctly to my questions. Tried to offer me a settlement.