216 Area code

Country : United States
State : Ohio

Recent posts

From: Cody2164881755

Sales call

From: na2166063608


From: nick2169304763

seemed to be phising

From: Caroline2167506232

Didn't answer, no message left. Chances are perfect for a scam or unwanted call. Blocked.

From: sue2167817682

missed call

From: vgi2162008985

i got this number with a first name of maria. she sent me a letter (by name) with an offer to buy my house for cash with a quick close. the return address was 3719 W. 140th st, cleveland, ohio 44111. that address is an owner occupied multi family/office building. the co. name shoes as, carnegie group llc, with another listed ph number of 216-252-6580. google the address for a look inside and out of the residence and commercial space. i am not in the market to sell my home. it needs some paint and a few minor interior fixes. but with a new porch and steps and decrotive wrought iorn railings, lg yard and with a new roof, with lifetime 130 mph shingles, low voltage lampost, a/c, new 99.8% furnace, etc. when i leave it will be in a pine box.

From: Crystal2165590218

I think this person has a chronic masturbating illness. He once left me a 27 minute long voice mail of straight beat sesh. I know it sounds weird but I could just here the lotion squishing around his over sized shaft.

From: r serino2165534062

They call all day everyday and never leave a voicemail

From: Amanda Meyer 2165032351


From: Kim 2162981118

I called the number back. It is the Sprint Message Retrieval Center. Whatever that means.

From: HC2168659046

Recorded message. "Hello Emily. I am having trouble with my headset." Revs same msg 2x.

From: Al Harasyn's 2164015880

Ripped off the house of jewlery

From: David 2163672514

Keeps calling leaving no message

From: Sandy2162981149

They keep calling at the most odd hours but nobodys on the line... very weird and suspicious.... we have been getting calls from that number for weeks and when we pick up, nobody's on the line... I'm getting very frustrated with this.. .

From: Voices Within2165448501

called tried to get me to book a show for my band on the condition I sell concert tickets.

From: Alaina L Underwood2166094561

They keep calling me and hanging up. When I call back they don't answer. They've been doing it all morning.

From: Matthew Gee2164133533

called for a collection from a Verizon phone bill

From: Mariah Scott2165596977

weird noises and ecoey room clicking noices

From: Anonymous2163421008

The phone number is from The Revenue Group.

From: Concerned Citizen2163564316

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