212 Area code

Country : United States
State : New York
(New York)

Recent posts

From: Jose R Rodriguez2122989880

fax machine

From: Days2128755803

No message

From: gerardo rodriguez2127746673

not sure couldnt hear anything

From: flava2123366233

no message

From: Yasmine2123340955


From: Mallory2122571383

Missed the call but when I called back, it said "if you would like to be placed on a 'do not call list for this number, press one now." It didn't say anything after that.

From: Mike Richardson2127778786

It calls a few times a day

From: Quan Gan2125000833

A residential call

From: mike perlo2126362664


From: Mrimdman2126854099

George Jefferson gives this number out as his own in season 1 episode 10 of the 70's sitcom The Jefferson's.

From: alex2128106044


From: yuliano jose castro 2129021010

they called me 2 times, looks like its job offer

From: FRANCISCO2122005041

They claim to represent a third company with a legal claim,

From: Dotti2124941348


From: GS2124989022

Posted adds for Bullmastiff mixed with German Shepherd puppies on Craigslist for the city of Garden Grove, California, but this seems to be a land line in New York. I sent an email and never responded.


A bit suspicious.

From: jaiver2122257445

whos calling

From: Jia Song2126163566


From: ABC 2129201218

Fake police officer/detective from 47th precinct with a report he needs to give me. If I don't call back today, he'll issue a warrant for me. Also, he is laughing to someone, real professional!

From: Diz2123682593

So I answer and I hear... maybe static or a room full of people... none if the voices seem to be speaking into the phone tho. Then a very very quiet foreign voice started Uber whispering something I couldnt quite make out. He was speaking English but I didn't make out any words. It sounded similar to when you play a song backwards when I put it on speaker. I'm creeper out!! Help!

From: Christopher2122330536

no info