212 Area code

Country : United States
State : New York
(New York)

Recent posts

From: thiago2124332357

This phone call me

From: Ronald Gilbert2126507149

Computer related problem,its been over a year that the problem was resolved and cancelled out.they are still calling me 2or 3 times a week..since they are foreignors I cant understand what they say..tired ofthese callsas they also use foul language...

From: abc2129012665

blank call

From: Richard2123124318

Unknown number to me

From: ralph hensler2124450710

unknown from law firm

From: IB2123280237

Received many calls with no voicemail left--only hangups. I called the number and a pleasant girl, so sounded like she may be an offshore hire, said they were a company that personalized things, likes pens and calendars and that the sales team was calling to see if we were interested. I explained that we wished not to receive these calls in the future and added that the hanging up without a voicemail message was odd. She apologized, took our number and said she would take us off the list. We'll see if it happens.

From: mark2123383300


From: qourheoi2128374623


From: Jon2127296403


From: Stop the Phone Harra2124006134

I got a call today from this number, and the male who called spoke rapidly with a heavy Indian accent. He asked for me by name, then told me that he understands that I am a recipient of Medicare and that I am at least 65 years of age. Because I am nowhere near age 65, I asked him from where he got that information about me. He said that they have a list of people that they are calling in every state (I'm in Kentucky), and that he is asking me if I am a Medicare recipient and at least age 65 (that was not what he had initially said; he did not ask, he told me that he has information to that effect). I again asked where he gets his information. He said that they simply have a list. He then asked if I am on Medicare and at least 65 years of age. I told him that I am neither. He then said, "You are lying." I thought I had heard him wrong because of the thick accent. I said, "Excuse me?" He then said, "You are lying. You are telling a lie. You are 65 years of age, but you are lying to me saying that you are not th

From: Scambuster2122742212

Scammer of fake tickets, etc. who has your phone number illegally. Report any such calls to the FBI like I did. He has an arrest record.

From: rabie212634603828


From: Raj2124440022

Priceline customer care

From: j2123007224

This retarded called me late night and rude.

From: Cirrus2122285625

I didnt answer and they hung up on the VM. I tried calling back after they called 3 times in 1 minute and the calls says it isnt a valid number. Spoofed number.

From: naenae2124919443

i want to call her

From: armando garcia2128104549

i dont know

From: Suzy Homemaker2129997981

Can't make out the voicemail

From: john smith2123738491


From: Alcantara Luis2127679357

just heard background noise .