210 Area code

Country : United States
State : Texas
(San Antonio)

Recent posts

From: Trumetier2104533009

Caller has ring my landline a half dozen times, today, and has rung my cell four or five times. I don't know who this is, but internet she's call comes from near the Bexar County jail. May be democrats trolling phones to fine out what numbers are active.
I answered, once, but line went dad. Suspect this is Dem's or a scam.

From: ashton2108159817

he raipped me

From: Nick2105748033

Called quite a few times

From: M Thompson2108074066

This is one of those IRS-Lawsuit calls we've been warned about (allegedly the IRS threatening to file suit unless taxes are paid) Beware!

From: Rec2103849957

Call ID says B2B Prospecting.

From: Screener gal2106228773

Called me once 12/10/2015 9 a.m.--My Caller ID shows 01112106228773. I answered with "Hello". Guy immediately "acted" like he couldn't hear me at all, and so he said he would call me back. Liar. He didn't call back. He probably just wanted to see if my number was an active number, so they can sell my number to telemarketers. Darn. Why did I answer ? Because I get these odd lonnnng numbers on my caller ID often and I wondered who it would be. Blocking the number now.

From: Denise Ayala2109109748

Just heavy breathing

From: Claire2108641672

It's scam

From: jessica mahula2105420983

They called and hung up

From: Vivienne Ogden2105190298

No message

From: Kendra2109471303

4:30 pm, today

From: Janice Flores2109659459

hang up

From: Roman Ross2109147127

Says they fix windows. Turned them down and then they called back.

From: IcyMadCupcake2109707794

2109707794 keeps calling me and always hang up and when i call back it says an error has occurred....

From: leroy clark2103197722

Message claim i was approved for 4000 loan

From: Ringer2107188888

they keep on calling me with no reply

From: Eric2107628365

who is this number ?

From: 12342102907228


From: Kori2103775887


From: shana2101202

im not sure if this a real number or not