Contact Us
‏ The purpose of the website is to fight the phenomenon of telephone harassment and scams on all their existing types. With users that share their own experience, we have created the largest and most comprehensive "live database" that helps other users to learn the true nature of a call, phone number and person or company behind it.
Each time that a call from an unfamiliar number comes in, answered or not, be sure to run this number at to learn who is calling you from this number and what is the caller true intentions according to previous users experience around the web.
Unfortunately, every day we come across many cases where anonymous callers uses misleading and deception to fraudulently withdraw funds from unsuspecting and Innocent people.
Slick salespeople who try to sell products, prank calls, harassment or surveys and many other cases in which previous experience of others can help you protect yourself.
Make it a habit and run unfamiliar numbers that came across you on And of course, please don't forget to help others by sharing your experience with unfamiliar numbers.
Remember - your small effort will help others more than you can even imagine.
Legal note: By using this contact form an email will be send to the Administration without storing any personal data