855 Area code


Recent posts

From: Kate8552395072


From: Bill8552984477

I had gotten a virus on my computer and then this company sent me a message through the virus to call them. Claimed they were Technical Support but needed money via credit card to fix computer.

Told them to go and eff themselves. Turned my computer completely off and rebooted and back to normal, at least for now.

From: prophecy8557873828

Aggressive and annoying debt collection company who seems to have no boundaries as to the degree of humiliation and insults they try to inflict. Dont ever agree if they ask "uare you so n so?", cause the debt date will renew upon confirmation of the person they contacted. Just dodge or ignore for 7-10yrs and most debts will be erased. Confirm your identity to them and it starts again...7-10yrs. Thats what ive been told anyways so dont quote me. Look it up.

From: john8554029365

Nasty person.

From: mack8552086768

just called

From: Anonymous8553288204

URG - debt collectors.

From: Cheddy donavan8554762455

this is a collectionagency for Hsn

From: Brain 8558751572

Virus on my computer. he said that it needs to et resolved

From: Mary8552846248


From: Angela 8555323407

No specific reason

From: amb8552929550

missed call

From: Angela8556026048

keeps calling, no message

From: Donna8556626229

Just checking a number

From: DebP8558379788

Supposedly reporting a debit from 2007 from Lowes- would NOT supply dates, pmts made, etc, nor would Mr. Paul WIlliams supply a mailing address for Ben Taylor & Associatesin Southern California.

From: tr8552935304

called and left a voicemail

From: Yaquelin Sanchez8552833957

Keeps calling me every morning

From: Robert Graydon8558761867

I have received to calls from this number but did not answer. They hung up leaving an empty voicemail message. I want to know who is calling me from this number. In google search I see someone else got a hoax call offering free $100 gift card from this number. Kids screaming heard in background.

From: john marcellus8556270935

call from Excede, ViaSat

From: abby eberle8559480312

Student loan forgiveness

From: RAJ8554950201