850 Area code

Country : United States
State : Florida

Recent posts

From: Daniel8503624850

This was a call from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to my accounting firm regarding a client of ours. The caller sent a fax identifying the US dept of labor, and I believe it is a safe call.

From: T. m.8506842374

asked a question about disability but then hung up before I could say anything!

From: J.A. Feranchuk850131801

nuisance calls. Answer the phone as it is ringing and say hello--no answer. Being on National Do Not Call List does no good. Assume this is an unsafe call. Only 9 digits long--where is it originating?

From: john a. feranchuk850041544

receiving on my cell phone nuisance call from: 850-041-544 and 145, and 048---last 3 digits changes with each call as I block these calls from 850-041; also started from 850-031-658. I get no answer when I lift receiver. Calls come several times a day. This series of calls started 31 May 2016 and it is now June 4(Sat).

From: john a. feranchuk850031658

keep getting nuisance phone calls-85-003-1658 is latest. no one answers after greeting "hello". National do not call registry enrollment does not help. Receive multiple calls daily.

From: Lenny & Nicole Gione8502072352

Wants address

From: Michelle8503915331

They have been calling me for two days. You can file a complaint on the number : http://www.fcc.gov/complaints
Everyone go file a complaint through this number.

This number called me and when I answered its " dead air" So I called back and they said I applied for a loan. I said " No, I did not apply for any loan" I informed the Pakistani man that I am on the do not call registry list and that they have called over 3 times which is phone harassment in America. The man laughed at me. I said its against the law to do. He told me he would take me to court for not taking his call and talking about a loan that I applied for and he said I have your information right here. I said well go on ahead, because I will win because what you are doing is against the law. You have your auto dialer calling people and then its dead air. Then the people call back because there is a number on their phone that they do not know who it is. I said its sneaky you are probably the ones that have those spam links on facebook that say

From: krishnapada debnath8509062014

When give missedcall.