801 Area code

Country : United States
State : Utah
(Salt Lake City)

Recent posts

From: brian B8016051816

This lasy calls claiming to be the IRS she is scammer, The IRS will never call they always send letters.

From: fred8014068522

no message

From: Barb8014669519

Unknown caller

From: Macy8013808347

i dont know who it is

From: Bridget Sorge8016560335

He said his name Kenny and he needed to verify my social before he would speak to me. He did not say who he was with nor what it was about. I told him I was at work and that I could not take calls like that here.

From: JON8018397370


From: juliatayloe8013777003

A company called RCI and they called once at 9pm
and called back at 10pm

From: shivakuamr8019702633

he z call n giving missed call,sexual harassment

From: mary8016682683

spoke spanish

From: Christian8018220601

It's a scam, calling about them being an electric company and that your business or home will have no power by a certain time.... then they make you call a 1-800 number to ask you for payment so they can prevent the shut off. They ask you to buy a prepaid card and give it to them... Don't let them scam you! I hate these @ssholes who have no life

From: Gelly8016560339

This annoying phone call is from an older sounding woman who asks for the parents of Kaylee, which is similar to my sister's name. You can barely hear her talking due to background noise, and when asked to speak up she shuts up. We think she wants us to buy something, she keeps calling, and the number on the caller ID is not a real number. I think she is a scam.