740 Area code

Country : United States
State : Ohio
(Cambridge, Jackson, Lancaster, Marietta)

Recent posts

From: Donna Foster7405774241

Been texting who I thought was Norman Reedus for a year and a half now. So,t almost a thousand dollars to him for his charities. NOT HIM! Please find this person!

From: Brittany7402332168

Called no voicemail

From: harish7401672517


From: keith Lamb7406100165

Gave number about account needing immediate attention then gave an 844 number to call with the account number provided

From: RHONDA7406264288


From: kim7402031599

they are calling random people that I know. read that this is a scam. probably some sort of scamming debt collector that walks the line of the legal system.

From: David Ramey7404752689

recorded voice of a lady from Value Care

From: rahul7405128573

someone called me

From: vinoth7402196204

call recived

From: PAPAI7407161622

Hallo papai ami sintu

From: rima7409210612

Its blank call

From: sue7404215131


From: Daniel pollard7408510993

He is talking dirty to us

From: virk7409382150


From: Manpreet singh ratho7409806282

All missed call this no

From: Jessica Wetzel7406527785

Calls, then hangs up after you answer.

From: john k7403160097

this number keeps calling our business. when you answer, it is silent, and when you hang up, it keeps calling back.

From: raj7405320478

this number called me n used abuse language.