704 Area code

Country : United States
State : North Carolina
(Charlotte, Kingstown)

Recent posts

From: Paul7042435004

Called twice in two days, let it go to VM. They hang up with no message.

From: chris7047748380


From: Phalguni Bag7044248545

2.50 P.M on 15th September 2015

From: Mahendra Singh7047290347

Just want to check the location.

From: Tony7049662165

Called at 1:21 AM. Woke out of a sound sleep.

From: Jim Styles7042663966

This is a scam number from an Indian company trying to gain access to your PC. Old scam. they call and leave messages saying they are contacting you to fix your pop up issues, and ask for a wrong name on the message to prompt you to return the call. - caller: UberTech support

From: Jeffery Christman7047693412

I've been getting calls from these A-holes for weeks. The - push 2 to be removed from their call list - Does NOT work... Staying on the call and asking the reps politely to remove me Does NOT work.. So I tried a new tactic. I got all chummy with the last person. Acting very interested and pretending that I wanted them to manage my website. I GOT THEIR COMPANY NAME... I'm going to post this on every complaint site I can find.. CALL THEM BACK AND Harass them like they keep doing to US>.... It's Local Lighthouse out of CA. www.locallightouse.com - I'm going to start calling them over and over.....

(888) 370-8231
13681 Newport Ave.
ST #153
Tustin, CA 92780

From: RICHARD BAUMAN7047691982

called but left no message

From: Susan 7044796909

calls every day from this number

From: vijay7043220892

who this number his mobile

From: s7049728122

No message

From: n/a7046266263

asked for my husband by name.. asked to take message said it was in reference to a vehicle we owned years ago. when I called the # back recording says "Thanks for returning our call press 1 to be removed or press 2 to speak with someone, when you press 2 it just repeats the same message over again.

From: bob7044778791


From: indu7042852972

i want to find that nub's owen .
some start me call from this no. after midnight plsss help me to find

From: sanjay7046166993


From: Judy 7046806204

I don't know

From: Subhash7043565187

I want to know the owner of this numbwr

From: Andrew7047053412

Called 2 twice in a row, didn't say anything both times, butt dial??

From: marian7047074727

received this phone call three times but no one leaves a message

From: mike davids7049533674

They call and hung up on me