661 Area code

Country : United States
State : California

Recent posts

From: Tamatie Sherow6612307989

gave me acode to somethin

From: SC6614774277

I bought a new, disposable, pre-paid cell. phone for someone else. I did not get a warranty for it. I activated it with she and her mother's information. I gave the number to no one but myself and her. I paid with my card. The only way I can figure they'd have the number is if they were able to hack/trace my debit card purchase AND my k-mart rewards profile. Alternatively, they could have potentially hack JUST the K-Mart profile; however, how would they even know to think to look there? Maybe I'm being followed. Who knows? I am a Marine who is constantly alert for things like potential tails and potential irregularities in my environment. If I was followed, whomever has followed me is really good.

Any way you slice it, creepy, illegal, and dangerous are the only three things that come to mind in any event.

Not cool.

From: Neha66152185182

Harrasment calls regularly on my no.

From: bobby6614876557


From: michelle 6619447155

scary calls

From: nnnnn6616125273

who's this person?

From: jordin bell6618719772

Called back and it sounded like a fax machine

From: Garrett6614880428

I need to know who it is

From: [email protected]6614850284

A lady with the phone number (661) 888-3073 has been calling (707) xxx-xxxx many times insisting this is her son's phone number. This begun last Wednesday and is continuing today. We've let her know that this was not her son's number, suggested to call the phone company. She repeated the number as being (707) xxx-xxxx and half the time this number works and her son answers and the other half the time it does not work and we answer.

From: Sascha6617280480

Called after 9pm not sure who or what it's about

From: matt6613760957

random harassing textes