650 Area code

Country : United States
State : California
(Palo Alto, San Mateo)

Recent posts

From: SR6509997818

Left message claiming to be from patient financial something from Standford Health Care.

From: David650620065

Someone call me and I don't know who is

From: annor richard peter650285001

i missed this call several times

From: Dotdotdot6503850600

Suspicious no messages

From: Self6508987094

Yep, another bikini sales girl. Offered to model her complete line of homemade swimsuits via skype. I politely refused, explaining that my wife has put on some weight and no longer looks great in skimpy bathing suits. So she said, "Well, maybe you need to replace her with ME. I look GREAT in a bikini!" As I tried to recover from this insanity, she added "You won't know how great I look until you've seen me. Please give me your skype name and I will call you right away!"

At this, I thanked her for her call and as I moved my finger to disconnect, I heard her say "Wait! Don't..." And that was that. My day's entertainment, free of charge. We need more telemarketers like this.

From: SS650745698

Someone called and after a while hung up. No one talked, or responded to a hello.

From: michael 65064196

did not answer

From: Amanda65097884

Called me twice

From: Bob6507133351

Keeps leaving voice mails w/o any messages

From: JV6508439205

no message

From: ML6502852430

I got a call from this number +1 650 2852430 with call recorder confirmation
Could you please sent mean answer why they called?
Thank you for your help

From: Saleha shakoor6503809006

Getting messages

From: Michael6504722394

Try to sell me some development apps

From: Gabi6506410854

Strong indian accent, bad english, wanted to "collaborate" ?!?

From: maria6503993269

just a sound no name no answer when I called back

From: g6502621221

unsolicited call did not leave message

From: Cristina Gimenez6505881405

Late night unknown number called and didn't leave a message

From: Treen6502833363

I received harassing phone calls from this number

From: ajd6507220886


From: Honie6504298672

Fraud or not