647 Area code

Country : Canada
State : Ontario

Recent posts

From: Caraline Cuell6472264669

no voice mail left

From: Laurent Piquette6476602066

did you just called me

From: LOS647138864

the number belongs to cheikh cheibani nafea

From: James King64761100

Received a phone call from this number. Caller was foreign with a thick accent claiming to be John Smith from the United States. He said he was calling on behalf of the government and had grant money for me that did not have to be paid back. I then let him know that I was on the Do Not Call list and started to tell him why he should not be calling me. Of course he hung up before I could get to far into my rant.

From: anonymous6479389718


From: kristina6476316907


From: R6473098437

The guy makes random call on you number and says has received miss call from your number. when you say it must be a mistake, he starts advertising his business, which is Astrologer & Psychic Service.

From: Rayann6477929238

I received a very offensive and disgusting text from this number. When I called it was disconnected. Can you help me find out who it was? Thank you.

From: suzann6475305333

home reno questions

From: Anonymous6472008304

Sports betting spam from some asshole named Greg Jones

From: saun6478295998

don't know who call from this number and when you call back, it says not available.

From: Aloi Bongcaron6477451844

just wanna to know who owns this number. thx!

From: an6479823271

Mexico vacation sales