530 Area code

Country : United States
State : California
(Redding, Chico, Alturas)

Recent posts

From: Bryce5304101358

Keeps calling

From: Lilly5303001061

2 Missed call

From: Arin Meisenheimer5306807401

Left no message.

From: Don Knight5306268869


From: so5307477412

This is a scam caller trying to get my husband to pay money to someone. It was initiated as as call to do flooring work on as home. After booking a date for estimate he was asked to pay money to his "private realtor" so he could get in the house to do the estimate.

From: yezz5307395684

Text and wont answer who it is

From: Susan5302054975

Called the number back several times and it disconnected before it rang

From: ruben5306653627

who is dis

From: jdhdjdj5303709255

Just seeing who called me

From: sam5307790951

I got a text

From: Michael5306655794

someone called me by this number and I want to know rhl

From: riley5302090827

Text messages

From: eric oie5303683354

I believe it is a call i received before he committed suicide

From: reeso5303038802

Harrasment and threats to kill me

From: bill5304927020

i tried to call back but it seems the number cannot be called back

From: Carlos5302199111

"This is Visa calling about your credit card account". To tell me I'm eligible for lower interest rates. Press 9 to talk to an agent.
Seems legit......

From: Natalie5303128190

Automated message told me my phone number was selected to receive a free vacation. To qualify I must be 30 years or older and possess a valid credit card to check into the hotel.

From: Happy gilmore 5307364714

Telemarketer for expidia

From: Richard Johns5302070203

Strange text message just showed up on my mobile phone

From: expedia5305916376

Called me from a local cell phone number saying they were Expedia and offering me money for a random trip if I met a household income requirement. Sounds like a huge scam, seeing as how Expedia would call from a different number, NOT a cell phone number.